AIBE 19 Exam Result: Candidates who appeared in All India Bar Exam 19 2024 are eagerly waiting for the result to be released. According to media reports, this wait of the candidates may end soon. AIBE 19 Result 2024 will be declared online on the official site of AIBE As soon as the result is released, candidates will be able to check the result by entering the login credentials. Candidates who will get the cutoff rate as per the category will be considered eligible for this exam.
When was the exam held–
The examination was conducted by BCI on 22 December at the prescribed examination centers across the country. The examination was conducted in 50 cities across the country. After this, the answer key was also released for the candidates on 29 December.
You will be able to download the scorecard by these steps-
Before the release of AIBE 19 Result 2024, candidates have to first visit the official site
On the home page of the site you will see the result link on which you have to click.
Now you have to enter (roll number and password) and submit.
After this the result will open on the screen, which you can check as well as download your scorecard.
How much percentage of marks are required to pass?
The Bar Board of India (BCI) has fixed different passing rates according to the category to pass the AIBE exam. According to the category, at least 45 percent marks will have to be scored to qualify the Common and OBC category. Apart from this, SC/ST/Disabled candidates will have to score at least 40 percent marks to qualify.
The final answer key can be released shortly before the release of the result-
For the information of all the candidates, let us tell you that the final answer key can be released by the BCI shortly before the release of the result. The result of the candidates will be declared on the basis of the final answer key. If the final answer key is released, it will be final and eligible and no candidate will be able to file any complaint on it. Candidates are asked to visit the official site from time to time for latest updates regarding the result and answer key.